Located on the Black Volta River, the Bui Generating Station (BGS) is a 404MW hydroelectric power plant that plays a critical role in Ghana’s energy infrastructure. Commissioned on December 19, 2013, the BGS operates as a peaking plant, providing reliable and secure power to the National Interconnected Transmission Systems (NITS) particularly in the northern part of the country.

Key Features of the Bui Generating Station include a 1,000,000m3 volume and 108m high Roller Compacted Concrete Gravity Dam; 400MW Powerhouse housing 3 Unit Francis Turbines each with a capacity of 133.33MW; a mini powerhouse that houses an ecological valve and a turbinette of 4MW capacity; a 500MVA capacity Switchyard with a five-bay 161kV voltage class; a 241km 161kV Transmission Line to Sawla, Kintampo, Techiman and Sunyani substations; five-bay Spillway with installed radial gates (Discharge PMF of 10,450m3/s) and 110m length of downstream bridge. The characteristics of the Generating Plant include an Active Storage of 7,720 million m3, Average Inflow of 203 m3/s, an Average Annual Energy Production of 969 GWh and a Plant Capacity Factor – 27%.
Since its commissioning in 2013, the BGS has played a pivotal role in bolstering Ghana’s energy infrastructure. By significantly increasing the country’s generation capacity, it has not only ensured a more reliable and stable power supply, particularly to the northern part of the country, but has also become a cornerstone in the nation’s energy mix. The generating station’s contribution extends beyond main power generation to include provision of ancillary services such as reactive power compensation, frequency regulation and spinning reserve to improve grid reliability and enhance power quality.

The Generating Station has consistently surpassed its projected long term average energy of 969 GWh since commissioning, reaching a remarkable peak of 1547GWh in 2022. This milestone underscored the Bui Generating Station’s vital role in meeting the growing energy demands of the country while enhancing grid resilience. BGS’s continued operation showcases the foresight in harnessing the Black Volta River’s potential, ensuring sustainable energy for generations to come.