Mandatory Protocols

Following Bui Power Authority’s policy initiatives, some mandatory protocols are being implemented to reduce the risks of exposure to the COVID-19 for staff. These measures include:

  • Regular washing of hands with soap under running water
  • Sanitizing of hands regularly and before handling commonly used items
  • Screening of all Staff and visitors before entering the workplace (checking of temperatures)
  • Full body sanitizing (Powerhouse)
  • Wearing of nose mask and Practicing of Social/Physical distancing
  • Testing for the SAR-CoV-2 among, others

These leading indicator tracings are being pursued to reduce the risks of potential COVID-19 spread in the Authority. With respect to the above, four (4) main designated entry points that receive significant number of persons with potential infection and pose high risks to staff are being maintained and monitored continuously. These entry points are as follows:

  • Project Office, BGS
  • Powerhouse, BGS
  • Tsatsadu Generating Station
  • BPA Heights, Accra

Emergency Response and Protocols

The protocols below have been developed to be activated when a staff or visitor exhibits the signs and symptoms (using WHO/GHS guidelines) such as breathing difficulty, runny nose, coughing, unusual body temperature, flu etc. at any of the entry points of BPA facilities were monitored and still communicated to Staff.

In pursuance of these protocols, mandatory screening of all staff and visitors entering BPA premises are carried out:

  1. Daily screening of all visitors entering BPA’s facilities before being allowed entry
  2. Checking of body temperature using an Infrared Thermometer/Thermal Camera to observe symptoms associated with the coronavirus such as fever, runny nose, cough, breathing difficulties, etc.

In the event of a suspected case, the emergency protocol to be activated is outlined as follows:

  1. Politely requesting the suspected persons to wait at the Designated Temporary holding areas for further observation of the signs and symptoms (airy place) at the four (4) approved main entry points:
  • Project Office, BGS                      : Conference Room 1
  • Powerhouse, BGS                        : Switchyard Security Post
  • Tsatsadu GS                                  : Office Space within the Powerhouse
  • BPA Heights, Accra                      : Meeting Room (Ground Floor)

2. If the signs persisted, the Emergency Response Team: Health, Safety, Security and Environment and Admin team are immediately notified and issue escalated to the Chief Executive Office for further direction and action. Or in case of obvious symptoms of the virus, the Ghana Health Service call Centre shall be activated as follows:

  • 055 2222 004/5, 050 9497700, 055 8439 868
  • Toll free 112
  • 0243289072 (District Health Director, Banda): BGS
  • 0203303079 (District Health Director, Bole): BGS
  • 0502364300 (Medical Director, Methodist Hospital, Wenchi): BGS
  • 030 708 6490 (Nyaho Medical Centre): BPA Heights
  • 0208118509 (Medical Director, Ridge Hospital): BPA Heights

3. At BGS, three 3-bedroom fully furnished Guesthouses have been designated as Isolation/Quarantine Centers with all the basic facilities and items.

Staff Education, Basic Training, and updates on the COVID-19 Pandemic

To keep staff well informed about the pandemic, the HSE Unit continually provides frequent, timely and authentic information to Staff and Contractor employees on the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The education and awareness creation always occur in different forms through the engagement of Staff in Small groups whiles strictly observing social/physical distancing directive and via Social Media Platforms as follows:

  • Daily briefs/updates of the Executive Office and the entire Staff
  • Publication of COVID-19 materials on BPA Social Network, BPA – BGS Platform & BPA Welfare Association, BPA Infectious Disease Committee, etc
  • Mandatory POD Wednesdays HSE Meetings
  • Periodic Project Office area and Kitchen Staff HSE Meetings
  • Various Project meetings and Site meetings via Microsoft Teams

Routine COVID-19 Disinfection 

As part of the implementation of the COVID-19 Residual Risk(s) Mitigation Actions and following the procurement of the COVID-19 disinfectant and other logistics, regular (on weekly basis) disinfect the Authority’s Facilities at the BGS notably the Plant, Turbinette, Offices, Guestrooms etc. against pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc was carried out.

Weekly, Isolated and Monthly disinfection with Virol-Oxy against COVID-19 disinfection exercises are being been carried out the BPA Heights against pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.

Lagging Indicator Tracing: Reactive Strategy

The BPA’s COVID-19 lagging indicator tracing has been well outlined in the in a supplementary protocol as below:

2.2.1Testing Conditions

Three (3) conditions under which testing will be required to prevent community transmission are:

  • When a staff shows symptoms of SARS-CoV-2;
  • Contact tracing in an event of a staff testing positive for SARS-CoV-2; and
  • Mass testing of the entire staff where there is suspicion of widespread contacts by infected person(s).

Back-to-Work Plan for Staff who Tested Positive of COVID-19

After a confirmed positive case has completed 14 days isolation and treatment, these will be the follow-up actions:

  • Step 1: Test to Prove Negative of SARS-CoV-2.
  • Step 2: Return to office, if negative test is confirmed.
  • Step 3: If positive test is confirmed, isolate for a further 14 days and go through tests to prove negative of SARS-Cov-2 before return to work.

International Travel:

Upon return from an international travel, a proof of a Negative COVID-19 Test result to be provided.

Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2

In line with the ongoing National Vaccination Exercise, Executive Office secured from the Ghana Health Service vaccines were for the vaccination employees in the Authority and Contractors.