Ing. Samuel Nimako BOATENG

Ing. Samuel Nimako BOATENG

Ing. Samuel Nimako BOATENG

Ing. Samuel Nimako BOATENG

Ag, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Engineering, Operations and Technical.


Samuel Nimako Boateng is a seasoned engineering professional with a proven track record of excellence in power generation and operations. As the Acting Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Engineering, Operations and Technical (EOT) at Bui Power Authority, he oversees the technical and operational aspects of the organization. He holds a BSc in mechanical engineering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana.

Samuel’s career spans over a decade, with the majority of his professional experience gained at Bui Power Authority. He joined the organization in 2009 as an Assistant Mechanical Engineer and has since held various leadership positions, including: Electrical Maintenance Manager, Mechanical Maintenance Manager, Deputy Director/Plant Manager and Director of Power Operations Department.

He was one of the lead Engineers who supervised the installation and commissioning of electro-mechanical equipment for the 400MW Bui hydroelectric power project. After the project phase, he continued to work in the Power Operations Department (POD) as an Electrical Maintenance Manager and was later tasked with the additional responsibility of managing the Mechanical Maintenance section. As Deputy Director/Plant Manager of the Power Operations Department, he successfully led various initiatives that drove substantial enhancements in the Hydropower plant’s operational performance and key performance indicators.

Samuel demonstrates exceptional diligence in data collection and maintenance organization. His instrumental role in the Power Operations Department’s (POD) consistent excellence across all key performance indicators is a testament to his strategic approach. By initiating and facilitating targeted logistics acquisitions, including employee training programs and equipment spares provision, he has ensured seamless operations.

He played a key role in the successful planning and execution of several high-profile projects, including: Major Overhaul (Level-A Maintenance) of three 133.33MW Generating Units and the 4MW Mini Unit at the Bui Generating Plant; Commissioning of the 250MVA Switchyard Expansion to accommodate Solar Generation; Commissioning of 50MWp Solar Power Plant at the Bui Generating Station (BGS); Operations and Maintenance of the 145kW Tsatsadu Micro-hydro Power Plant and Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of the BGS Permanent Water System. These landmark achievements underscore Samuel’s technical expertise and leadership prowess.

Until his appointment as Acting Deputy Chief Executive Officer (EOT), Ing. Boateng was the Director of the Power Operations Department.